
How To Use Inversion to Create Winning Digital Products

The late Charlie Munger used a technique called inversion to win in business, you can use this same technique to create winning digital products

Craig Barber

Senior Product Designer

How To Use Inversion to Create Winning Digital Products
How To Use Inversion to Create Winning Digital Products

As humans, we’re great at identifying things that could kill us. It keeps us alive.

This same thinking can be applied to bringing a new digital product to market.

By identifying and avoiding things that could kill your product, it gives you a better chance of success.

In this post we’re going to list 5 things that will kill your digital product.

By listing the things we know we should not be doing, we can avoid them and in most cases do the exact opposite. This is the inversion technique at work.

I had a laugh writing these! And yes, I’ve been guilty of more than one.

5 sure-fire ways to ensure your digital product fails:

1. Make it for everyone

You want the most sales right? This means you must make your product for absolutely everyone and anyone. Same goes for marketing. Be sure to market your product to absolutely everyone. Segmentation is for small timers.

2. Skip the research

Product demand? Pfft. Market research? Yeah right. Just launch that sucker. Market research and checking demand is so tedious. You know best.

3. Keep it a secret

Don’t tell anyone about your thing. It’s super important to keep everything you're working on under wraps. And definitely don’t share it with potential customers. Sheesh! You’re too busy for that.

4. Test it yourself

Before launch, it’s best to just test your product once or twice yourself. You know best. Besides, you don’t want to have to speak to customers and ask them about your thing. Boring!

5. Never follow up

When someone signs up or buys your thing, that’s that. It’s really important to never talk to that customer ever again. You’re too busy to follow up anyway right? Right.

In conclusion

I think you’ll agree that inversion is extremely useful. This technique can be applied to pretty much everything. Business, health and your personal life.

By taking the time to list and think about the things you know you should not be doing, it reminds you of all the things you should be doing to ensure success.

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