4 Things Mr Beast Taught Me About Getting Billions of Clicks
Discover the methods Mr Beast uses to drive billions of clicks and how you can use the same techniques on your landing page
Mr Beast has racked up billions of views on hundreds of his videos.
He is a beast when it comes to getting views on his videos.
You don't achieve this feet without knowing a thing or two about engagement and driving clicks.
In this post I'll be revealing the techniques Mr Beast uses to get drive maximum clicks on his video thumbnails.
I'll also reveal how you can use these same techniques to increase engagement and drive sale on your landing page.
Let's dive in.
1. Use images of people

People like seeing other people.
99% of Mr Beasts YouTube video thumbnails use images of people closely cropped from their shoulders up.
Use images of people on your landing page to engage your customers.
Fivver uses images of people effectively on their landing page:

2. Eye contact is crucial

Almost every single one of Mr Beasts video thumbnails are of him or another person looking directly at the camera with their eyes wide open.
Eye contact has been proven to engage people.
The eyes are very powerful.
Always have people on your landing page with their eyes wide open looking directly at you for maximum engagement.
Unbounce makes great use of eye contact on their landing pages:

3. Smiling or shocked faces engage users

Ever single one of Mr Beasts expressions in his video thumbnails are either of shock or smiling.
Smiling has been shown to engage and sell.
Marketers and advertising agencies have know the power of smiling for years and they use it in their marketing all the time.
Even watch companies feature their watches 'smiling' in advertising. ( they always set the hands at 10.10 )
Use images of widely smiling or pleasantly shocked people on your landing page to stop and engage your audience.
Sunnyside makes great use of smiling people on their landing page:

4. Visual stories create curiosity

Creating visual stories is a tried and tested method marketers have been using for years ( think of the classic before and after photos gyms use )
Mr Beast know visual storytelling works.
Storytelling invokes curiosity in the viewer and they want to know more.
they want to see how the story plays out...
Use images that tell a visual story on your landing page to engage your customers and tell the story of your product.
Basecamp tells a great visual story of customers on their landing page:

In summary
So there you have it!
I hope you learned a lesson from Mr Beast on how you can grab users attention on your landing page.
It's worth noting these methods are not new.
They have been used for years and in marketing and advertising.
They have been tried and test and they work.
Next time you're putting together the visuals for your landing page, be sure to take all of these methods into account and use them to your advantage to drive more engagement and sales on your landing page!
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